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  • Education | KNU International Writing Center Student Homepage

    ENGLISH PREP COURSE ONLINE CLASS TIPS INTERVIEW GUIDE EMAIL GUIDE ESSAY SAMPLE RESUME MOTIVATION LETTER ENG PROFICIENCY CERTIFICATE Welcome Students At the IWC, our trained mentors are ready to help KNU students meet their English writing and speaking needs with one-to-one programs and activities. NOTICE : Sessions are available Face-to-Face or Online (if necessary). Remember to 1) REGISTER a nd then 2) BOOK Appointments by following the steps given below. MENTOR SCHEDULES Step 1 : Register Exchange Prep Course Mandatory Course for Korean International Exchange Students Speak Smart Course Details Price : Free Learn How To: ​ Express Your Opinion Speak With Confidence Practice Interview Skills Duration : Minimum 5 Appointments Each Appointment - 30 minutes ARTICLES INTERVIEW GUIDE GRADING RUBRIC Click to Download Write Track Course Details Price: Free Learn How To: ​ Develop a Thesis Build Credible Support Write a 4-paragraph Essay Duration: Minimum 5 Appointments Each Appointment - 30 minutes ESSAY TOPICS GRADING RUBRIC Click to Download REGISTER REGISTER ESSAY SAMPLE PREP COURSE INFORMATION PREP COURSE PROGRESS GUIDE Just Talk 30분 동안 외국인 친구와 일대일로 소통하며 영어울렁증을 극복하세요 활동 안내 참가비: 없음​ 활동 내용 게임을 활용한 기초 영어회화 간단하고 재미있는 주제 외국인 멘토와 일대일 대화 영어에 자신감을 키우세요 영어 글쓰기 실력 향상 시간 :​ 1회성 활동으로 30 분 내외 소요​ 최대 6회 재참여 가능 참가방법 :​ 우측 상단의 예약하기 버튼 클릭 ​멘토 및 시간 선택 Basic Conversation REGISTER English Presentation Present Like A Pro Learn to Create & Deliver an English Presentation ​ This course is open to all KNU Students ​ Note: This is not a part of the Prep course Course Details Price : Free Learn How To: Bui ld a Presentation using Google Slides International Presentation Experience Tips & Techniques to Present Certification & Feedback Duration : Minimum 4 Appointments Each Appointment - 30 minutes Booklet Download Topics Sample Presentation REGISTER Write Track + Basic Essay Writing Course Open to Any KNU Student ​ Note: This is not a part of the Prep course Course Details Price : Free Learn How To: Improve Your Writing Skills Be More Descriptive Express Your Ideas Build English Confidence Improve Communication Improve vocabulary Duration : Minimum 3 Appointments Each Appointment - 30 minutes Booklet Download Descriptive Essay Essay Topics Essay Help REGISTER Click to Download Click to Download Step 2 : Book Appointment BOOK APPOINTMENT NOTE: If you require Online Sessions please fill the google form by visiting the link given below Online Sessions Request Form Contact Us Contact Address +82-053-950-7439 경북대학교 첨성인 미래관 2층 영어글쓰기센터(IWC), 건물번호 108 (본관 입구로도 출입가능) ​ Kyungpook National University Cheomseongin Mirae Hall 2nd floor, IWC, building number 108 (accessible from the main entrance) Opening Hours Fall 2024 Open Dates: Registration: From Sep. 6 Sessions: Sep. 11 - Dec. 6 Mon - Fri 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Click to Chat PROGRAM DIRECTOR Chad Walker

  • Write Track Essay Topics | KNU IWC

    WritE Track topics Read each topic carefully. Choose ONE for your Write Track Essay. TOPIC 1: HOBBIES Students spend their free time in various ways that help them to develop as a person, including doing hobbies. Describe and support your opinion on 2 ways your hobby (specify) benefits personal growth. TOPIC 2: COOKING Korean food culture differs from Western food culture. Koreans often eat out a lot more, while in most Western countries, cooking at home is more common. Describe and explain 2 advantages of cooking at home. TOPIC 3: GLOBALIZATION We live in a globalized world that has a lot of influence on cultural exchange. Describe and explain 2 positive effects that globalization has on global cultural exchange.

  • Speak Smart Article 2 | KNU IWC

    Speak Smart Article 2 Click to Download Back to Articles

  • Speak Smart Article 1 | KNU IWC

    Speak Smart Article 1 Click to Download Back to Articles

  • Speak Smart Articles | KNU IWC

    Speak Smart Articles ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2 ARTICLE 3

  • Speak Smart Article 3 | KNU IWC

    Speak Smart Article 3 Click to Download Back to Articles

  • Present Like A Pro | KNU IWC

    Presentation Topics 1. Education Major 2. Country of Exchange 3. Write Track Final Essay 4. Korean Culture 5. Free Topic

  • Interview Feedback | KNU IWC

    Speak Smart Post-Interview Feedback

  • draft | KNU IWC

    Acerca de Resource Having troubles understanding essay structure? No worries! This page will help you to better understand what the content and structure of an essay can look like. The example below is based on the IWC Guided Writing Roadmap Process Course and includes all key components of a college level essay. To learn what parts of each paragraph are in an essay, hover your mouse over text! 에세이에서 각 문단의 일부를 알고 싶으면 마우스를 글위에 올리세요! On this page is a basic English essay sample. It contains: Introduction Paragraph with "Hook" sentence, positions sentences, and a thesis statement. Two Supporting Paragraphs with credible support using an example and details with transition words. Conclusion Paragraph with a review sentence, expectation sentence, and a final statement. ​ College-Level Thesis-Based Essay Sample To learn what parts of each paragraph are in an essay, hover your mouse over text! 에세이에서 각 문단의 일부를 알고 싶으면 마우스를 글위에 올리세요! TOPIC : International Travel South Korea as a Travel Destination Have you ever seen a movie set in a different country and wanted to travel there to learn about their culture? South Korea is a great place to visit, especially for students. A student doesn't need a lot of money to explore the country and it's a great way to see how their hometowns differ from life somewhere else. Foreigner students should travel in South Korea because it is affordable and gives them a chance to experience a different culture. This is the "HOOK" sentence. This sentence style is a QUESTION. This is the first sentence and gets the reader interested in learning more. These are POSITION sentences. These are POSITION sentences. These sentences' style is ARGUMENT. Position sentences introduce or give specific information on the topic to help the reader better understand the writer's position (opinion) This is THESIS statement. It summarizes main idea, people involved, and supporting ideas of the essay. People involved - foreigner students ; Main Idea - should travel in South Korea ; Supporting Ideas - affordable + chance to experience a different culture . To start with, one good reason why foreigners should travel in Korea is because it is affordable. Korea has a number of ways to get around the country, including trains and buses. Firstly, there are many inexpensive trains that can take foreigners to all parts of the country. These trains are economical and have regularly scheduled stops so people can visit many places in a short time. There is also a "bullet train" called the KTX. It is a little more expensive, but for the price is a good deal because it can cross the country at high speed. However, most people like to tour Korea while riding on buses. There are many tourism companies that bring visitors on buses with low fares to special locations all the around the country. The price is low and the service is great. Moreover, you can meet and spend time with many other people. Trains and buses are an inexpensive and fun way to see Korea. This is the TOPIC sentence. It broadly introduces the topic of the paragraph. TOPIC sentence clearly states supporting idea mentioned in the THESIS sentence. This is the FOCUS sentence. It narrows the topic sentence to a specific area. These are SUPPORTING sentences. They give specific information on the supporting idea to help the reader better understand the writer's position (opinion). This is the CONCLUDING sentence. It summarizes the paragraph and establishes a transition to the next SUPPORTING paragraph. Another reason why South Korea is a great destination for foreign students is that it offers new and interesting culture. One Korean culture aspect that is different from other countries is drinking culture. Since South Korea has hierarchical system which means respect for elders and people of higher status is always emphasized, there are special etiquette rules Koreans follow while having a drink. For instance, if Koreans are having a company dinner, juniors have to pour drinks to seniors while holding a bottle with right hand, while slightly holding the wrist or elbow of the right hand with left hand. If senior employee pours drinks to younger workers, same etiquette applies: juniors receive the drink while holding a cup with two hands, or right hand holding a cup while left slightly holds right hand’s wrist. Additionally, younger people have to turn their head to the side when drinking with elders to show respect. So, South Korea is a country with an interesting culture which is fun to learn about and experience. This is the TOPIC sentence. It broadly introduces the topic of the paragraph. TOPIC sentence clearly states supporting idea mentioned in the THESIS sentence. This is the FOCUS sentence. It narrows the topic sentence to a specific area. These are SUPPORTING sentences. They give specific information on the supporting idea to help the reader better understand the writer's position (opinion). This is the CONCLUDING sentence. It summarizes the paragraph. This is a REVIEW sentence. It is a summary of the essay's main point. These are EXPECTATION sentences. Their style is PREDICTION. These sentences offer possible outcomes that should further interest the reader. This is FINAL statement. This sentence asserts the writer's position on the topic in a clear and concise manner. In conclusion, traveling in Korea is a great way for foreigner students to experience a different culture without spending a lot of money. By encouraging students to explore Korea, more young people can discover the history and traditions of the country, sharing what they learn with those in their hometown. Furthermore, traveling by bus through the countryside offers great opportunities to visit temples and famous landmarks while eating traditional food. A trip to Korea will certainly introduce and let students experience unique culture. There is no better way to learn about a different culture than to pack your bags and go traveling. More About IWC Get Monthly Updates Be the first to find out about sales, styles and everything between. Email Sign Up Thanks for submitting!

  • Question List | KNU IWC

    Just Talk Question List ​ ​ Level 1: Ask about the Topic For each topic: Ask the student about the topic Have a simple conversation on the topic ​ ​ Level 2: Ask descriptive Questions What can you see in the picture? (individually) What can you see in the background? For each picture: What are the people wearing? Where do you think they are? What are they doing? Why are they doing this? What is their job? What did they do before this picture? How are the people in the picture related to each other? Both pictures together: How are the pictures related? Can you form a story with these pictures? Guide the student with questions to develop the story in a descriptive way. ​ ​ Level 3: Ask opinion questions to form an opinion For this level do not ask too many questions let the student decide the topic and how this conversation goes. ​ What can you see in the picture? (individually) What can you see in the background? ​ What are the differences between these pictures? Can you group together some of the pictures? Which of these groups do you prefer? How are the pictures related to each other ? Can you find a topic that connects these pictures together? Have a conversation about the topic

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