IWC quick guide to completing the IWC resume template
Quick Step-by-Step
Add a current photo of head and shoulders.
Write your full name and address, including your home country.
Then add your email and phone number.

List all the countries you have travelled too
Include WHY you visited (ex: Tourism, Internship)
If you have never traveled DELETE this section
List your educational background
Name of your degree or major studied first
Name of university, city and country secondof
List your work experience
Name of Job Title is first (Ex: Clerk, Salesperson)
Name of company, city and then country
Brief description of job dutiesa
List all languages you can speak or are learning
L1 = Your native language
L2 = You second most fluent language
Include proof of fluency (Test/Aptitude Levels)f
List your computer skills
Skill or ability first
Program second
List dates in order from current to the past
Use numbers not names (Don't use "June 03")
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